

时间:2023-02-12 06:30:02 来源:金达范文网





  A stand-off has developed in Hungary after riot police ordered a large number of migrants toget off train that left the capital Budapest. The authorities wanted to take the migrants to atransit camp that is part of a crackdown on the thousands arrived in the country. But manyrefugees are refusing to disembark while others are trying to get back on board. Gavin Hewettwitnessed the scenes. The woman who was carrying a small baby began crying for help. Andthen one of her companions tried to help somehow that became a push and shove with thepolice and she then stood up on the railway line with riot police trying to put her back.And thisof course inflamed all the other people on the train and then they break through the line.Some people who come off the train, go back on the train and they will prefer just to stay onthe train rather than to go to this processing centre.

  Police have now declared each go rail station and operation zone and told journalists to leave.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Francois Hollande said theypresented joint proposals for the fair redistribution of refugees within the European Union.They said Europe must act decisively under the obligations to protect those fleeing war andpersecution. Speaking later in the Swiss capital Bern, Mrs Merkel said everybody had to takepart in the efforts." We have the duty to defend the rights of those in need. That GenevaConvention on refugees are binding, not just on Germany but on all the member states of theEuropean Union."

  Earlier sharp disagreements emerged over how best to deal with the crisis in talks betwwenHungarian prime minister Viktor Orban and European Union leaders. From Brussels, ChrisMorris. Mr Orban said the migrant crisis was a German problem not a European one because allthe migrants wanted to get to Germany. He said Hungary is only doing its duty and migrantsshould be told to stay away. But the president of the European Council Donald Tusk publiclyrebuted Mr Orban. He said a fair distribution of migrants and refugees across the EU wasessential. Europe should help people in need.

  Czech police said they stopped writing numbers on the hands of migrants after widespreadcriticism. Pictures of police officers using a felt-tip pen to mark the refugees have been widelycirculated in the international media leading to comparisons with jews being tattooed as theyarrived in Auschwitz.

  Turkish police have arrested four suspected people smugglers in connection with the drowningof 12 people in Turkish waters on Wednesday. The victims include the three-year-old Syrian boyAylan Kurdi. Images of his body have stirred international outcry. Aylan,his five-year-oldbrother and his mother all died as they tried to reach Greece after leaving their home in Kobanein Syria. World news from the BBC.

  Guatemala's vice president is expected to assume the presidency today after the incumbentOtto Perez Molina resigned later on Wednesday. The move follows a decision by a judge toissue an arrest warrant for President Perez Molina. Here is Daniel Abraham. President OttoPerez Molina came to power promising to fight crime. Now the former army general is steppingdown on amid a corruption scandal that's already forced down his former vice president and anumber of ministers. A spokesman had said he will hand himself into police later on Thursday totestify before a judge. He is not being charged and denies the allegations.

  There are reports in Turkey that two British journalists charged with aiding militant groups havebeen released, but that their Turkish based assistant remains in custody. They were arrestedlast Thursday while working for the vice news group in the mainly Kurtish southeast of thecountry. The trio has denied the allegations.

  Hundreds of farmers from across France have driven into Paris to demand more governmenthelp to cope with falling prices for livestock and dairy produce. Nearly 1.5 thousand tractorshave converged on one of the capitals main squares, they are demanding a years ofmoratorium on farmers debt repayment and a 3 billion euro investment package.

  An anti-corruption drive in South Africa has revealed that millions of dollars have been spenton paying the salaries more than 30,000 ghost employees, Jonson Massac has the details.Premier of the northwest province S made this bizarre revelation after an investigation aimedat cleaning up corruption in government. Mr. M said that it was clear that some people weremanipulating the system, becasue officials could not account for millions of dollars used to paynon exsitent government employees. It also emerged that some of these ghost staff memberswere also promoted along the way, and their salaries had increased. And that's the latest BBCnews.






